The modern age technological advancement has provided the opportunities to each and every internet users to look for the best in class services related to every service including the purchasing of online life insurance by comparing the premiums of all the insurance plans which may suit best to them as per the requirement. But still it is an unanswered question that does customers prefers buying a life insurance online or through life insurance advisor (offline)?
Comparison between online and offline Life Insurance:       Â
In many occasions it is found that the customers become perplexed and confused after finding too many options for the required policy thus resulting to a not so smart choice of selecting a plan required to fulfil the requirement while buying an online life insurance.
This in general happens due of lack of proper guidance and expertise which one can easily take while buying it through a life insurance advisor (offline). This is the most important aspect while buying life insurance online vs. offline.
Smart way of accessibility can be effortless and time saving matter but in many occasions found to be troublesome particularly in case of buying online life insurance where selecting a plan for an individual is a work of expertise and knowledge which one can only get from a renowned professional like a qualified life insurance advisor.
Customers always try to seek for an easy execution with least hazard and maximum benefits within a short span of time which drags them to many unforeseen circumstances like lack of complete knowledge of the product, the proper explanations of the terms and conditions related to the plans and online frauds related to the insurance premiums while buying online life insurance policies.
However to make the process of online buying of life insurance vs. offline easier and safer the present online life insurance aggregator companies as well as the life insurance companies with official online websites have made themselves well secured. The customer must check the SSL (Security Certificates) before online buying life insurance vs. offline.
One must read between every line very carefully before opting for the plans although being an insured every individual gets an opportunity to sort out any error within the free look period of 15 days from the date of issuance of the policy bond.
Differentiating between true need and impulse buying:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Buying life insurance online vs. offline, that is, from a qualified and renowned life insurance advisor often result to a purchase of life insurance without proper assessment and calculation of the true need for the same. Moreover an individual in many occasion make the choice of a wrong plan and thus ending up by paying more premiums for a lesser sum assured.
This is where the guidance of a true advisor comes into play which makes the mechanism very simple by explaining the whole thing after making an assessment of the HUMAN LIFE VALUE.
The process of assessment portrays the whole need of an insured person that whether one should go for a savings plan or a term plan or a combination of both thus giving the right decision instead of leaving the customer in a position which comes up with an output of impulse buying of online life insurance.
Flexibility with no room for errors and easy claim settlement:
The preferences of the customers for online insurance policies tend to be very much on the higher side now a day that is because of the low cost and higher sum assured due to non-involvement of the advisors.
Moreover the trend of buying online life insurance has also grown because of more flexibility and wider range of options with lesser room for errors as every step is completed by the insured person while completing the official formalities which increases chances of hazard free claim settlement.
But there are instances as well where the proper guidance of the advisor becomes very much fruitful for the insured person during the issuance of the policies particularly in case of the term life plans where every step of the applicant is scrutinised by the underwriter before the issuance of the policy.
The wide experience of work and vast knowledge on the subject of a qualified life insurance advisor make the process more flexible for the applicant to get the policy issued in due course of time.
Apart from these there are role of the riders related to critical illness coverage, permanent and partial disability benefits, accidental death benefits etc. which are very much important for the claims to be settled as per the plans which the insured person has taken.Â
It is very much appreciable from the view point of the customers who prefers to buy online life insurance after comparing all the detailed information of each specific type of plan they are asking for but still online buying of life insurance vs. offline is more risky if the level of accuracy and transparency is considered.
It is may be a winning position for the customer when he or she is opting to buy an online life insurance but one small error like failing to disclose all the detailed information related to the health of the insured person can lead to huge problem during the claim settlement.
These kinds of erroneous activities always get filtered when the true guidance of a life insurance advisor is taken while purchasing insurance in offline.    Â