Loan Consultancy
Loan Services
We arrange different types of loan from private bank , PSU Bank and NBFC. Our tailor made services will help you to get best solution of you all loan requirement. If you are a businessman then you will get the best advice to select the write business loans products.
Business Loan
We have flexible business loan product. It will fulfill your all business need.
Loan Against Property
We arrange loan against property for all types customer. Loan against Property
Why you choose Naskar financial services ?
We are authorized agent of more than 20+BANKs and NBFCs. We have 50+ Products to provide customers. Therefore we can provide tailor made Services to the customer. For example, a customer need a shirt of ‘38’ size. More over customer need a specific colour, design. But, the shop have shirt of ‘42’ size. The customer will not buy the shirt as it will not fit for him.
In case of clothes, shoe or any kind of visible product, we can understand easily. But, when it is a product like financial services, it is very difficult to understand. Most of the BANKs and NBFCs have limited product. They can provide their product as per their availability. Even there are lots of DSA or agent provide product as per there selection. But, Naskar Financial Services find most suitable product as per the customer need. We can provide you best product as we have lots of available product.
Our YouTube Channel
We have dedicated youtube channel for our financial services product. We upload videos related to different types of financial products and their process. We upload some videos as per our customers and viewers request. Those videos are in Bengali and Hindi language. We request you to visit our channel to know regarding different types of financial product and there process related videos. If you like our video please give a thumps up and share our videos to your friends and relatives. If you get these types of video notification please subscribe our channel.
Time is money
We know your world. A business man or a corporate executive all are very busy in today’s life. That’s the reason we have door step services. Our executive can visit your home or office to collect documents for loan process. You can take expert advice over the phone. Fix an appointment with our loan consultant.

Location is everything
We know importance of the location. All entire job cannot be done over the telephone or email or whats app. Sometime office meeting is required also. Unfortunately, there are lots of fraught agents and consultants in the Indian market. We understand why customers worried to take service from a consultant. We prefer a meeting in our office always to build confidence in customer’s mind. We know without trust no job can be done. Our corporate office location is in the heart of the city. The location is well connected through out West Bengal. The location is well connected with other metro city of India. We welcome to all Indians to our office.
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